How to Boost Social Media Growth in 2024


Now, with quick turns that social media makes, for every business and influencer, it really has to stay abreast of when growth in both reach and engagement is to be seen. Thus, looking ahead to 2024, some changes that would include are augmented reality filters and AI-based content creation in relation to micro-influencers shall begin to gain real traction in the sphere of effective social media growth. It is my sincerest hope that this complete guide of detail on actionable strategies, supported by statistics, will help you boost your social media growth in 2024 and stay ahead of your competition.

How the current trends have emerged and new, more data-driven strategies together with innovative technology will push forward the growth of social media in 2024. These are advanced digital marketing services in UK that can enhance your online presence through the creation of trendy content, profile optimization for SEO, and ad targeting to the relevant audience. It will help businesses grow and create visibility for the brand over social media.

1. Understanding the Current Social Media Landscape

The Rise of New Platforms to boost social media growth in 2024

One must agree, at the onset, that the real social media giants of our times, particularly Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have passed on the baton. For instance, in a Statista report for 2023, TikTok was mentioned to host an amazing 1.8 billion active users around the world, a number showing a whopping 20% growth rate year after year. The best thing for your online presence and engagement is to use these emerging platforms in your social media strategy; they offer an invaluable opportunity for boosting your social media growth in 2024.

User Demographics and Preferences

In 2023, a study from Pew Research showed that 72% of U.S. adults are members of at least one social media, with significant differences in age groups. However, where 84% of users aged 18-29 are using Instagram, 30-49 years are inclined towards Facebook. Based on a site’s demographics, you can target your content to get excellent engagement results.

2. How to Grow Your Social Media through Content in 2024

The Power of Video Content

Style a video-based social media growth strategy for 2024 when video is king across every platform in 2024. In 2024, video content is expected to make up 82% of all internet traffic, as projected by Cisco—an increase of 15 times more than was recorded in 2017. Helping along this direction are YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. Tap into this with a strong focus on short, compelling videos customized to interest your targeted audience.

The Power of User-Generated Content

User-generated content, on the other hand, holds a big opportunity for trust and authenticity. A 92% report on Nielsen consumer indicated that it is trusting organic or user-generated content more than traditional advertising. And also ask your followers to generate content with your products and services and share it as user-generated content on your platforms to generate a community vibe and hike engagement.

3. Utilizing Data-Driven Insights

Analytics Tools to Boost Social Media Growth in 2024

Take your social media growth supercharged and to the next level in 2024 with maximum drive on analytics tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social. These tools can help you learn what flies with your audience and what hits the ground. A 2023 survey by HubSpot found that 64% of marketers say data-driven marketing is crucial to success. Thus, when you monitor your metrics closely, you can keep tweaking your approach to content creation in a way that resonates with your audience—a ticket to taking your social media presence to the next level by 2024.

A/B Testing to boost social media growth in 2024

A/B testing is when you create two versions of a content piece and test them against each other to find out which one will be more effective. It can make a big difference in your content strategy. One of LinkedIn’s analyses found that A/B testing their ad campaigns gained them a 14% increase in click rates. Diversify headlines, images, and CTAs to see what converts your audience best.

4. Enhancing Engagement through Interactivity

Polls and Quizzes

Drive tremendous social media growth in 2024 by using an interactive element within your content — polls and quizzes. In fact, Content Marketing Institute research shows that interactive content can drive up to double the level of engagement of more traditional static formats. Feature Instagram Stories’ polls and Facebook quizzes to encourage a meaningful interaction from your audience for valuable feedback and social media presence driven to new heights.

Live Streaming to boost social media growth in 2024

Live Streaming is now popular. A survey conducted in 2023 by Livestream and New York Magazine showed the data of 80% of audiences would rather watch a live video by a brand than read a blog. Create Q&A sessions, product launches, or behind the scenes to be more personable and create connections with your audience.

Difference between 2023 and 2024 Social Media Growth

The social growth strategy in 2023 will see a high thrust in live streaming, user-generated content, and the rise of apps like TikTok that encourage the short video format. Social commerce features will drive personal connections through live experiences to increase engagement and sales.

Moving into 2024, attention will generally shift to the large-scale adoption of advanced technologies for AR and AI content creation to deliver optimized user experiences. It is data-driven insights that become the focus for creating personalized content and for working to engage audiences with interactive features like polls and quizzes. Moreover, the brands are increasingly collaborating with micro-influencers in long-term partnerships, which could provide more authentic and continuous engagement with the audience for boosting social media growth in 2024.

5. Influencer Collaborations for Enhanced Social Media Growth in 2024


This 2024 story of social media growth is all about collaborations. And guess what? You may want to collaborate with micro-influencers; that is, those having 1,000 to 100,000 followers. It is quite unbelievable that these small-sized influencers may bring in more returns as compared to the bigger ones. In research by Influencer Marketing Hub, it showed a higher engagement rate of 60% done by micro-influencers compared to their macro counterparts. The secret lies in the quality of their followers; micro-influencers usually build a more loyal and engaged audience, which is another point to help them become a useful resource for increasing social media growth in 2024.

Long-Term Partnerships

Long-term partnerships with the same influencer enable more organic and consistent brand messaging. A report by eMarketer found that 56% of marketers who use influencer marketing prefer long-term collaborations over one-off campaigns. Building sustained relationships with influencers can help you reach new audiences and build trust over time.

6. Paid Advertising Strategies

Targeted Ads to Increase Social Media Growth in 2024

Paid advertising is the fairy wand you need, which shall work magic for your super powering of social media growth in 2024. Should you be running your ads on a paid basis on social media platforms, then you have the opportunity to target ideal audiences demographically, by interest, and based on behavior. According to eMarketer, global ad spent on social media hit $134 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow by 15% in 2024. Major platforms like Facebook and Instagram have developed excellent targeting capabilities that will help you craft highly designed advertisement campaigns designed for maximum engagement with your targeted audience so as to take your social media growth to new levels.

Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting means showing ads to people who have interacted with your brand earlier. It can boost your conversion rates by a whopping 150%, as found by a study conducted by AdRoll. Use retargeting ads to help people remember products they’ve either seen or left behind in their cart so they can proceed with their purchase.

7. Harnessing the Power of SEO

Optimizing Social Media Profiles

Social media growth in 2024 has more to do with profile optimization than website optimization. Add in those key phrases to maximize your profile visibility in searches: ‘social media growth strategies’, ‘maximize social media presence’. You can improve your chance to be discovered by including these key phrases in the bio, posts, and hashtags—for example, ‘#socialmediatrends’ or ‘#growthhacks’. According to the BrightEdge analysis of 2023, a whopping 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine, so SEO should be at core in your social media strategy.

Creating Shareable Content

Shareable content can boost your social media reach. For example, according to one report from BuzzSumo, that ranks the top content formats in terms of sharing, infographics and list posts both make the top five. Create something visually striking that’s chock-full of useful information and watch your posts go viral—along with attracting some new followers.

8. Building a Strong Community to boost social media growth in 2024

Engaging with Your Audience

Engagement is key to growing a dedicated community and, therefore, in increasing social media growth in 2024. According to Sprout Social, 75% of consumers will most likely buy from you when you quickly respond to the comments, messages, and mentions of the customers. Respond quickly and show that you care—this will help maintain an engaged community. Having a regular dialogue with your audience can maintain attached relationships and create brand assurance and loyalty.

Creating a Content Calendar

Consistency will keep your audience hooked. A content calendar will let you schedule your posts for later, so you always have something to post. If you believe CoSchedule, marketers that plan their content are 331% more likely to report success. A content calendar helps to keep all your posts organized, schedule campaigns, and ensures timely publishing of content for your audience.

9. Embracing New Technologies

Augmented reality will fuel the growth of social media in 2024.

The social media landscape is witnessing a surge in Augmented Reality (AR) adoption. Facilitating better engagement, platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are now running on an AR filter system. A Statista report forecasts a booming AR market, reaching a staggering $97.76 billion by 2028. By strategically integrating AR into your social media strategy, you can craft immersive experiences that foster deeper connections with your audience.


Chatbots will help in ramping up customer services and interaction in social media. According to Business Insider, 80% of companies will have started using chatbots by the year 2024. This would mean that any inquiries made by users would be promptly attended to with personalized recommendations and the optimization of user experience overall.

10. Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

There is a need to keep track of all your strategies in a social media campaign. In a Social Media Examiner survey done in 2023, 83% of marketers indicate that they use social media metrics to assess the performance of their strategies. This should, therefore, mean that by partnering with a digital marketing agency in UK one will be tracking these KPIs regularly to know what to improve and how better to adjust the strategy. This in turn ensures that your social media attempts are guided to meet your business goals and expected outcomes.

Keeping Up with Trends to Increase Social Media Growth in 2024

The social media world has changed day in and day out; the trends that come in tow with it are no different. For a case in point, the growth in popularity of ephemeral content, like Instagram Stories, changes the way users interact on the platform. Hootsuite says that 64% of marketers are already in with Instagram Stories. Taking heed of new developments and then adjusting your approach are part and parcel of mastering the ever-changing social media landscape.


1. How can emerging social media platforms help grow my brand’s presence?

The likes of TikTok, BeReal, and Clubhouse are on the rise, and the current audiences on TikTok are more than 1.8 billion users from across the globe. Knowing how to engage new platforms and audiences diversifies your brand presentation formula to grow brand presence and engagements.

2. Why is video content so important for social media growth in 2024?

Video content is expected to account for over 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2024. Leading this growth are all the platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. A quick clip that is both short and engaging has more chances to capture the attention of an audience compared to text or an image. It will eventually lead to greater interaction and reach.

3. How does this user-generated content, big partner collaboration trend influence the growth of social media?

UGC has the highest potential for creating trust and authenticity because 92% of consumers believe recommendations from people they know. Influencers can do the same, especially micro-influencers who can boost the engagement and reach of this very engaged and loyal community.

4. What role do analytics and A/B testing play in improving social media strategies?

Analytics tools show the ins and outs of your social media performance, what works, and what does not work. A/B testing will allow you to test various versions of your content and determine the performing one. By regularly considering your metrics and creating A/B tests, you’ll be able to fine-tune your strategy toward performing content and increase overall effectiveness.

5. How can new technologies like AR or chatbots help in my social media strategy?

This, in fact, can help create an immersive experience where people would be enthralled with the content. On the other hand, chatbots could be able to serve if they can respond effectively to any request, even with personal recommendations. Both would enhance user experience through increasing engagement and satisfaction.


Succeeding on social media in 2024 is a multilateral approach, with the help of many cutting-edge trends, technological enhancements, and data-driven strategies for social media growth. Indeed, the important part of this approach is that you understand all changes that happen within social media spaces. Ride with trending content formats in the form of short-form videos, and use audience insights. Strategic partnerships with influencers, coupled with targeted paid campaigns, will further amplify the voice of your brand. Building a solid online community results in brand loyalty. Exercising this by engaging new trends, like AR filters, will definitely excite your audience. If you measure your performance in social media regularly and analyze it, you can determine your strategy for exponential growth.

Stay agile and test, for within the nature of a social media space lies continuous change. Adopt a proactive and yet flexible approach toward your social media strategy by embracing one that ensures, by 2024, you will be ready to face every challenge and capitalize on emerging opportunities. This in turn has one insured a long-lasting sustainable and growing place within the ever-competitive social media environment.