To become a professional WordPress developer there are very low hurdles in using and working with WordPress. In fact, anyone having knowledge of PHP or with design skills can start using WordPress these days and see results.
But if you really want to succeed with WordPress, develop a strong business and gain respect in market, you need to be an extra smart. Why? Because there are dozens of other WordPress developers out there who participate for clients and trying to earn a money.
Luckily, there is plenty of information available on the internet so you can move beyond the basics of website tweaking so you can start calling yourself a full-fledged WordPress professional. It also guides to pay attention to what the actual pros – the WordPress web developers and contributors – are actually doing.
I guess you are ready, let’s get started.
WordPress Codex

It is the need of every developer who wants to learn WordPress. The Codex is, also called the WordPress bible.
If you’ve never used the Codex forum before, even for the basics purpose, like setting up a Multisite installation or for studying detailed information on a function, then you have probably been living under dank cave,a rock or in a dark with only a generator to power your MacBook Pro.
Interested in WordPress Codex?
Make WordPress Core
Make WordPress is the official blog by of the core development team for WordPress.
The website features frequent updates on new features for upcoming version of WordPress. If you want to stay on top of what’s going on in WordPress, this is the best place for you.
Interested in Make WordPress Core?

WordPress TV
If you cannot get along to WordCamps, WordPress TV is the best thing for you. WordPress TV features all the recorded videos from WordCamps held around the globe.
It’s easy quite easy to search through the website for videos on any topic, also watching someone give a presentation can be an engaging them simply reading a blog post. Interested in WordPress TV?

Tuts+ WordPress
Since we know Tom McFarlin recently took over the editing gig at Tuts+, the website has gone full throttle with many advanced topics, such as object-oriented programming in WordPress and also, using WordPress for web application development.
Are you interested in Tuts+ WordPress?
Tom McFarlin
Speaking of Tom McFarlin, This is a personal blog of Tom McFarlin an informative extension of his work at Tuts+. The topics Tom writes about are heavily geared towards WordPress programmers, but these are interspersed with posts on discussions.
Information on available tools such as The Hate and Vitriol of WordPress and Developer Distractions:
Are you interested in Tom McFarlin?
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is one of the cool and first web development / design blogs. The WordPress articles are posted almost every month, but the website contains a large back catalog of articles by some popular WordPress personalities, such as Tom McFarlin and Siobhan McKeown.
If you want to explore more Smashing Magazine
WP Mayor
WP Mayor regularly publishes how-to. There are many posts that are usually a mix of beginner and intermediate level material, with a few promotions thrown in for good measure.

Are you willing to explore WP Mayor?
ManageWP Blog
ManageWP is yet another popular regularly updated WordPress blog, tips and tricks, how-tos and reviews.
The website has a lovely mix ofintermediate level articles, as well as information on third-party plugins and themes. You will find very few articles related to beginners.
Do you want to explore ManageWP Blog?
Web developer Paul Underwood and a blogger maintains a fantastic collection of snippets,tutorials and other resources on his personal website.
His blog is a fantastic place for intermediate and advanced level, including smart topics like Create A Clock In CSS and how to Programmatically Add Menu Item in WordPress.
Interested in Paulund?
Pippins Plugins
If you haven’t heard of Pippins Plugins by Pippin Williamson, you have probably just finished a wasted time in solitary confinement. Pippin has coded a number of plugins, his products alone could fill the Code Canyon,WordPress Plugin Repository and many more.

Pippin’s blog is a great mix of thoughtfultutorials,reviews on advanced topics and how to use guides on some features such as the WordPress heartbeat API.
For more details on Pippins Plugins
Konstantin Kovshenin
Konstantin Kovshenin is a developer for Automattic companyand in his free time he is a developer for WordPress core. There isn’t much about WordPress he doesn’t know.
Konstantin regularly updates his blog with posts on advanced topics like Understanding _n_noop() and more stuff relevant to all plugin developers such as Lessons Learned from Building and Supporting a (Fairly) Popular WordPress Theme.
Interested in KonstantinKovshenin?
Mark Jaquith
Mark Jaquith doesn’t post all that much on his blog, but his posts are an interesting take on WordPress development from a core developer. Hope to see more posts from Mark soon.
Interested in exploring Mark Jaquith?
Andrew Nacin
Core developer Andrew Nacin posts on his blog rarely, but when he does he posts valuable information. For example, the qualities of a great WordPress contributor, which comes in at a lazy three thousand words. It’s a great read if you’re planning about contributing to WordPress.
Have a look at Andrew Nacin
Hongkiat’s WordPress category features a regularly updated stream of articles how-to and list posts covering everything from how to install WordPress on your system locally and 20 WordPress Plugins and Shortcodes You should Try.

The website is well worth reading for tips and tricks and theme inspiration.
Have a look at Hongkiat
Much similar to WP Mayor andWPLift,ManageWP offers a variety collection of guides,tutorials and WordPress round-ups.
WPLift posts a great weekly articles on new resources published on third-party websites.
Interested in WPLift?
Matt Report
Matt Medeiros’s website focuses on doing business with WordPress, with a mix oftips,interviews and reflections on working in the WordPress ecosystem.
It is also popular for his Matt Report podcast and in-depth interviews with famousWordPress personalities.
Explore Matt Report
Chris Lema
Chris Lema’s website completely veers away from the development of a website using WordPress or making you a Good Developer, instead focusing on the entrepreneurial aspects of using the WordPress CMS.
Interested in exploring Chris Lema?
WP Kube
WP Kube is in the same vein as WP Mayor and WP Lift with its mix of how-tos and posts for the developers.

This site is more targeted at intermediate level developers who are looking for important information on themes and plugins.
Interested in exploring WP Kube
WP Explorer
WP Explorer is another how-to website, with informative content on topics such as customising the admin user interface and creating a WordPress theme.
Interested in WP Explorer
Carrie Dils
Carrie Dils a Genesis developer blogs about all things WordPress, such as How To: Add a Logo to a Genesis Theme and How to Run a Successful Affiliate Campaign without Being a Douche.
Carrie’s blog is a great mix of reflective anddevelopment articles with an emphasis on Genesis.
Interested in Carrie Dils?
I would be wrong to dismiss this site, WPMU DEV Blog! They post daily on everything from reviews on plugins and WordPress services to the best free themes available to.
On Saturdays and Sundays they publish Weekend WordPress Projects, an ongoing series of quick projects you can complete in under an hour to improve your WordPress developer skills.
Interested in WPMU DEV?
WordPress Development Stack Exchange
Stack Overflow is very popular website around the world in developers it’s a free question and answer forum for programmers who are stuck and need a hand with frustrating code. The website’s dedicated WordPress area, WordPress Development Stack Exchange helps you to search through questions and tags and post your own question as per their posting rules for other developers to answer.

As web development company, we also provide WordPress web designer and developer services, please check them out as well.
Reddit gives you two dedicated subreddits – WordPress and ProWordPress. The ProWordPress forum is targeted at advanced developer and offers a community for developers to exchange ideas. WebDevStudios by Brad Williams creates ProWordPress, which he moderates along with Michael Beckwith and Travis Northcutt.
ProWordPress isn’t a place for new wordpress developers, so much as it is a place for developers to ask questions, seek help for wordpress code and talk code.
Interested in Reddit?
Advanced WordPress
The website has almost 5000 members, the Advanced WordPress group on Facebook is a popular place for WordPress developers to connect, share ideas and information about advanced features and functionality. This is definitely not the place for new users/beginners.
Want to explore more Advanced WordPress?
WP Tavern
It is the news website of WordPress Co-founder Matt Mullenweg’s. Updated regularly with articles on new WordPress themes,plugins, services and events.
Have a look at WP Tavern
if you’re not subscribed to wpMailmeYou’re not a member of the WordPress community. Website publish weekly newsletter and includes a curated round-up of WordPress news, themes news,articles and releases, tutorials and plugin news.
More Details on
Post Status
Post Status is another dedicated WordPress news website. It featured important links to announcements, and sometimes posts on community topics and articles.
Interested in Post Status
CSS-Tricks gives a comprehensive collection of snippets, tips and tricks to help developer tweak WordPress. The site contains fully dedicated WordPress category, as well as sections for other platforms like PHP, Javascript and CSS. Get more details from codeinwp and css-tricks

Torque is the website by Web host WP Engine. Its a news site, last year at WordCamp San Francisco to much fanfare. The site publishes a multiple articles on WordPress and non-WordPress topics by contributing writers.
Codeacademy offers free coding classes in different languages such as PHP and JavaScript. It’s a very good site if you’re learning how to code or just need to polish your skills.
Get more details on codeacademy
Tree House
Similar to Codeacademy, Treehouse offers online classes. The website has been gradually adding to its collection of courses and content.In January announced a new beginner’s course for WordPress users. The site has since added 6 other WordPress courses for WordPress development, including How to Build a WordPress Theme. Get more info on Tree House
WPRecipes helps in code snippets for developers make the most of WordPress, for example: How to change the title attribute of WordPress? login logo and how to delete WordPress post revisions using your functions.php file?
Learn from WPRecipes
WPSNIPP is another very good code snippet site, featuring 622 counting and snippets. An important thing about site is the accompanying comments where developers often discuss ways to edit a piece of code or add additional functionality.
Get more inner look into WPSNIPP
WordPress developer jobs:
If you want to become wordpress developer or looking for its job, then you should keep the following things in mind:
- WordPress its is vast field so you need to keep yourself upto date
- Learn more about wordpress plugins
- WordPress themes
- WordPress theme building
- WordPress and api sharing with commerce platforms
- PHP and wordpress
- Web development and wordpress
Now if you are wondering about wordpress developer salary, Then it’s around 700$ for profiles with 1 to 2 years of experience. Salaries are heavily depending on countries and regions, but this one is rough estimated average figure.
First start your career as freelance wordpress developer then build your profile. It will be helpful for your jobs; you can also find yourself internship along with freelancing.
Have some time? Visit our website or LinkedIn page to know more.