When you see the title, “Art of Crafting Engaging Blog Posts” you might think of a dreamy marketing expert looking up at the sky and saying, “Make it as long as required.” It’s akin to inquiring about the dimensions of a length of string, and the analogy is clear. But, considering that people’s attention spans are getting shorter and many new blogs are competing for attention, does the size of a blog really make a difference?
They weren’t kidding about short attention spans. According to research by Microsoft in 2015, the average human attention span is only 8 seconds – even shorter than a goldfish, which has a 9-second attention span. It’s like we’ve been unfair to goldfish all this time!
When it comes to blog posts, on average, readers will focus on written content for about 15 seconds, as reported by Time. So, if you’re still with us, we appreciate it.
But that doesn’t mean people can’t pay attention to longer blogs. They can, but you need to do it right. Writing a well-done blog can be an excellent way to share your thoughts with the world. It can also bring in more website traffic, engagement on social media, and improve your ranking on search engines.
So, what’s the ideal length for a blog post? Here at The Brains, we know a thing or two about crafting optimized blogs that get results. Our award-winning content marketing team creates blog posts that boost our clients’ brand awareness, drive conversions, and increase revenue. You can find cutting-edge digital marketing insights on our digital marketing agency in uk.
In this post, we’ll guide you through the ideal length for a blog, the factors that determine the number of words you should aim for, the reasons why longer content is usually better, and we’ll suggest the best approach to create engaging and high-quality content that keeps your readers hooked.
Unlocking the Power of Blog Post Length: Finding the Ideal Word Count for Maximum Impact
Short answer: The “Art of Crafting Engaging Blog Posts” tends to fall within the range of 1,800 to 2,500 words.
Our team of Brainy marketers analyzed various top-performing blogs, including our own, and found that blog posts in this word range generally gain the most traction. Around the 2,400-word mark seems to be the sweet spot for an ideal blog length.
Blog post length changes over time, with the average increasing over the years. For instance, in 2014, the average blog length was about 800 words, but by 2021, it had risen to just over 1,400 words.
Different sources offer various opinions on the perfect word count for a blog post. Buffer’s analysis suggests that the optimal length is between 1,600 to 2,500 words, as most blogs that are read take less than 6 minutes to go through. Medium’s research shows that a blog post that takes about 7 minutes to read (around 2,100 words based on average adult reading speed) captures the most attention.
While opinions may differ, the general consensus is that longer blog posts, preferably over 1,400 words, tend to perform better. Now, let’s take a closer look at various word count ranges and their effectiveness:
Less than 300 words: Not recommended for substantial results. These very short posts are typically used to initiate discussions or draw reactions.
300-600 words: Although 600 words used to be the benchmark, such posts may struggle to establish authority with search engines.
700-1,200 words: This range is considered the average blog post length for professional work and is commonly used in newspapers, magazines, and journals. It can gain some traction.
1,200-1,800 words: This range sees a significant increase in social media shares because longer posts often contain more valuable content and are more likely to be shared and linked to.
2,000-2,500 words: The sweet spot for blogging. Posts in this range are more educational and perform well on social media and search engine rankings. They attract more organic traffic and are better for converting leads.
2,700+ words: These are extensive and comprehensive posts, often called pillar pages or deep-dives. They help establish authority and show expertise in the industry. Titles like “Everything you need to know about…” often fall into this category.
Choosing the Right Blog Length: Factors to Consider
When you start writing a blog post,”Art of Crafting Engaging Blog Posts” there’s some groundwork you should do to decide how long it should be. While there’s no fixed formula, considering these factors can help you determine the ideal length for your blog.
Topic: The scope of discussion varies depending on the topic. Some subjects need more in-depth content, while others require less. Imagine listing all creatures in the Pacific Ocean versus listing those in a fish tank. A big topic demands more words for thorough coverage.
Goals: Different blog posts serve different purposes, like improving search engine rankings, generating leads, or making sales. Your blog’s specific goal should influence its length.
Audience: Tailor your blog to your audience’s preferences and knowledge level. If your readers are experts, they may expect more detail and, consequently, more words.
Competitors: Analyze what your competitors are doing. Look at top-ranking blogs for keywords relevant to your content. While avoiding plagiarism, position your blog in the optimal word count range while offering something unique that people will remember.
Remember that finding the right blog length involves considering your topic, goals, audience, and competitive landscape. By doing so, you can create content that resonates with your readers and meets your objectives.
Advantages of Writing Longer Blog Posts
Longer blog posts outperform shorter ones for several reasons, offering various benefits that you can take advantage of if you’re willing to put in the effort to increase your word count.
Establish Authority: Long-form blog posts help demonstrate your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche. When you delve into a topic extensively, it shows that you know what you’re talking about, creating a positive impression among readers.
Comprehensive Content: Longer posts allow you to cover all the relevant content in detail, ensuring that you provide value to your readers. Avoiding glossing over points helps minimize the risk of leaving out essential information.
Increased Engagement: People tend to spend more time on long-form content, even if they don’t read every word. Longer posts offer more opportunities for engagement, increasing the chances of conversions and interactions with your content.
Social Media Exposure: As per HubSpot’s findings, blog posts exceeding 2,500 words tend to garner the highest number of social media shares. As more people share your blog, it gains more attention and goes viral, leading to wider exposure and engagement.
Improved Search Engine Ranking: In the complex world of SEO, word count is one of the factors that can influence your search engine ranking. Longer posts can make a stronger case to search engine bots, potentially boosting your position in search engine result pages (SERPs).
By writing longer blog posts,”Art of Crafting Engaging Blog Posts” you can enhance your online presence, engage your audience, and position yourself as an authoritative voice in your field.

Common Blog Formats: A Handy Reference
Blog posts come in various styles and structures to engage different audiences and meet specific objectives. Here are some of the most commonly-seen blog formats:
Blog Post Formats for Engaging Content
Listicle posts: People enjoy content presented in bullet points. Listicles are lists of related content, often identified by a number in the title. When well-executed, they can be a classic and effective format.
‘How to…’ posts: These blog posts explain how to do something, providing valuable knowledge and creating an atmosphere of expertise. They are particularly useful for industry or business blogs and can generate organic traffic.
Pillar posts: Also known as thought leadership posts, these articles are more in-depth and challenging to write. They involve extensive research, originality, and knowledge and cover specific topics comprehensively.
‘What is…’ posts: Similar to ‘why’ posts, these blogs target beginner readers by explaining key definitions and introducing level-1 concepts in a user-friendly manner.
Question and answer posts: Also known as FAQ posts, these are effective for addressing common queries and engaging with readers. If your website already has an FAQ page, these posts can be relatively easy to create.
Curated content posts: These blog posts compile research, statistics, quotes, and other related content into one easily-digestible place. Though some may see it as lacking originality, well-curated content can be time-consuming and requires creativity in organizing the information.
Interview posts: Interviews provide fresh perspectives and allow you to showcase different voices in the industry. They also help establish your brand as authoritative and can lead to increased social media reach if the interviewee shares the post.
Each format serves different purposes,”Art of Crafting Engaging Blog Posts” and selecting the right one depends on your objectives, audience, and the content you want to present. By choosing the appropriate format, you can effectively communicate your message and engage your readers.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Related to Blogging and Content Formats:
Q1: Why should I consider different blog formats for my content?
A1: Utilizing various blog formats can cater to different audiences, improve user engagement, and help achieve specific goals. Each format has its unique advantages and appeals to different reader preferences.
Q2: How do listicle posts help my blog’s performance?
A2: Listicles, presented in bullet points, are easy to read and digest. They attract readers’ attention with a clear format and can be a powerful way to deliver information in a concise and organized manner.
Q3: Are longer pillar posts worth the effort?
A3: Yes, pillar posts may require more time and effort, but they establish authority, showcase expertise, and provide comprehensive insights. These in-depth articles can significantly impact your audience’s perception of your brand.
Q4: What is the benefit of writing ‘how-to’ blog posts?
A4: ‘How-to’ posts offer valuable guidance and education to readers. They showcase your expertise, increase your credibility, and have the potential to attract organic traffic from users seeking practical solutions.
Q5: How can curated content posts benefit my blog?
A5: Curated content brings together valuable resources, saving readers time in finding relevant information. A well-curated post demonstrates your expertise in sourcing and presenting valuable content.
Q6: Are interviews valuable for my blog?
A6: Interviews provide fresh perspectives, build relationships with industry experts, and increase your blog’s credibility. When interviewees share the post on their social media, it can lead to expanded audience reach.
Q7: How should I decide on the length of my blog posts?
A7: The ideal blog post length depends on your topic, goals, audience, and competition. Generally, longer posts (around 1,800-2,500 words) tend to perform better in terms of SEO, social media sharing, and reader engagement.
Q8: Can I use a combination of blog formats in one post?
A8: Absolutely! Mixing and matching formats can make your blog posts more dynamic and engaging. For instance, you can begin with a listicle to grab attention, then provide in-depth insights in a pillar post section.
Q9: Should I prioritize one blog format over others?
A9: The choice of blog format should align with your content goals and your audience’s preferences. Explore the use of a diverse range of formats to maintain content freshness and enhance reader engagement..
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