Google to Ditch Oracle’s Java APIs in Android N

Java APIs

Google’s fight with Oracle over the copyrights of java APIs has been going on for a long time. Now Google has made an incredible move by switching to OpenJDK (open source java development kit) in the next version of android. It will no longer use Oracle’s java development kit.

The thing that matters for android application development is that now it will be simpler for the developers to build android apps. The reason is that the android is itself open source. So, the introduction of OpenJDK will definitely make the development procedure simpler than before. Developers will deal with only one codebase instead of multiple.

Google should have done it a long time ago. But as we know that “All’s well that ends well”; so, it is a big change made by Google for the betterment of android apps development.


A Google spokesperson said:

“In our upcoming release of Android, we plan to move Android’s Java language libraries to an OpenJDK-based approach, creating a common code base for developers to build apps and services. Google has long worked with and contributed to the OpenJDK community, and we look forward to making even more contributions to the OpenJDK project in the future.”

Although it has something to do with the fight with Oracle, Google said that the main reason to switch is to take benefits from the open source libraries.

This huge change will not only simplify the things for the developers, it will also help them to make great contributions to the OpenJDK project.

Also read: Google to Include Contents of Chrome OS in Android