All You Need to Know about RankBrain

It’s been a while Google has launched RankBrain. But most of the people still do not know about it. So, let’s start from the very first thing i-e, what is RankBrain? RankBrain is a machine-learning system which is built on the concept of artificial intelligence (AI). It is used with Google’s current searching algorithm, Hummingbird, to process the search results in a better way. As it is based on AI, it has the ability to update itself, whenever required. If you think that it is a new algorithm through which Google ranks the search results, then you are wrong. It is just a part of the old algorithm. Its main purpose is to find those pages that might not contain the exact words which the user searched for. Of course Google has already a system for this purpose, but RankBrain is used to increase its efficiency. You can say that its task is to “refine” the queries of users.   There are three billion queries that are being processed everyday by Google. In 2013, Google said that 15 percent of the total queries had never been searched before. This means that, everyday, 450 million queries enter the algorithm system of Google, which have never been there before. These queries may include complex and long tail words. RankBrain is built to interpret and translate these queries in an efficient way. Being a machine-learning system, it can see patterns between unconnected & complex searches and understand the similarity between them. By doing this, it will have the ability to learn from these queries and better understand the ones coming in future. On 1st and 3rd March, a search marketing conference was conducted in which Paul Haahr, a member of Google’s Search Team, admitted that RankBrain is more complicated than they thought and many staff members do not know exactly how it works. Well, this is an alarming situation for both Google and the companies providing SEO services. We hope that Google will explain this thing in the near future. Read more: Grow Your Online Market Share with Similar PPC Budget