App-Only Content Indexing is the New Trend

Last month Google made a big change in its ability to display the content found in smartphone apps in its search. Now the app-only content will be directly displayed when you search through your mobile device or tablet, even if the app is not installed on the device.

For example, if you search “cheap hotels in Los Angeles” through your smartphone, you will see the content of mobile apps, which aren’t installed on the device, containing the relevant information. It doesn’t mean that you will see a mobile web version of that app. This works through Google cloud on which the apps are hosted.

Before this big change was made by Google, direct links to the content of the applications were displayed only if the app was already installed on the device. But now the web content doesn’t need to match app content.

Content Word on note illustration
Content Word on note illustration

Rajan Patel, who is leading this initiative of Google, said:

“In the U.S., it’s more often the case that content is both on the web and in an app mainly because the U.S. market evolved from being a desktop Internet market and then migrated over to mobile.”

“We want users to be able to have access to this content, regardless of whether it’s available on the web or in an app.”

To make this process possible for your business app, the developers need to use app indexing API. Implementing this API will also boost your Google ranking.


Internet marketing is going to be more advanced by this huge change in Google mobile search. Every mobile app which will have the app indexing API in it will get a ranking edge.

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