How to Manage a New PPC International Account?

It’s been a while you are working as a local PPC-manager and now the client just asked you to manage an international account. What do you do? Do you use the same strategies which were implemented in the local account? No, because managing and international PPC account is totally different. So, what should be your strategy? Here we will talk about the dos and don’ts of managing an international PPC account. International Account as a New Client:
  • Treat the international account as a new client.
  • Start researching about it.
  • Research about the culture, conversion rates, local strategies etc.
Brand Recognition:
  • Remember that flagship regions tend to do better with branded campaigns.
  • Examine the global brand guidelines.
  • Consider revising strategies for logo usage and colors while creating ads.
  Global PPC Channels:
  • Look for historical data of global PPC accounts and find out their strategies of winning.
  • Also consider revising advertising guidelines of the country you are operating in.
  • This part is trial and error. So, keep working until you have found the best strategies.
Landing Page Strategy:
  • This doesn’t mean that your landing page strategy which worked in US will also work in UK. So, don’t bet on your previous landing page strategy.
  • Examine the language and cultural differences.
Expecting the Results: As you are considering a new client, you can only present an initial strategy based on what you have researched. So, ask your client to show some flexibility. SEO Company