Strategies to Increase Your Online Sales

Increase Sales online

The holiday season is on its way, providing businesses with an awesome opportunity to increase their online sales. E-commerce sales have increased by a huge margin every year, reaching $53.3 billion in 2014, which was a 15% increase over 2013.
These are incredible facts. They will become more incredible if I tell you that they only account for desktop sales. Consumers are becoming more comfortable conducting e-commerce transactions on their smart phones and tablets, providing business owners a golden opportunity to have a successful holiday season and a strong end to the fourth quarter of 2015.
Let’s talk about some strategies that can help to increase the online sales.

Clear Cut Holiday Offers:

When a person visits your website, you have only few seconds to grab his/her attention. During the holiday season, make sure that your offers have clear calls to action that instantly grab the attention of customers. Sending your traffic to pages that are directly related to the offer is one way of having clear cut offers. Don’t make your customers search what they are looking for. Put it right in front of them.

E-commerce Strategies

Use of Exit-Intent Pop-Ups:

You should not fire a pop-up as soon as a visitor reaches your website. Rather, you should use exit-intent pop-ups. The majority of the visitors that leave your website will never come back. So, why not have a last attempt to convert your visitors into customers for one last time? Presenting your visitors with a special coupon code or an exclusive offer, such as free shipping, is often a great way to save some of those exits.

Excellent Experience for Mobile Customers:

You need to make sure that your entire website, from browsing to checkout, provides a pleasant experience to mobile customers. If not, your visitors will leave and find a website that does.
If you are hiring a company that provides e-commerce solutions, make sure that they know these strategies which can help in increasing the online sales.