Things You Should Not Do In Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the key digital marketing strategies. Over the past five years, it has been recognized as the main practice of internet marketing. There are thousands of social media experts who know many useful techniques that are used to market a business digitally. They also know that some techniques that are widely used by people are not healthy for their businesses. Here we will talk about the things that you should not do in social media marketing.

1-Don’t Ask People To Follow You Back:

If you are posting quality content on social media, then there will be automatic followers. You don’t have to ask people to follow you back. Companies who do this are considered as less creditable. Therefore, produce good content and people will automatically follow or like your page.

e commerce mistakes

2-Don’t Create a Habit of Not Tracking the Links:

People usually don’t keep the track of links that are coming from social media posts. They need to stop this habit. Start using Google Analytics URL Builder and see how much traffic came from a specific post.

3-Don’t Over-Use Hash-tags:

There is no doubt that hash-tags are a great way to start reaching new followers and being a part of discussions. But many people over-use them. The ideal number of hash-tags in a post is two. There should be no hash-tags on LinkedIn posts.


These days, there is a trend of auto-posting posts from Facebook to Twitter. The audience of a social media platform differs from that of other platforms. Moreover, there are plenty of tools like Buffer that help in easy sharing of posts.

5-Don’t Always Sell:

Don’t always publish posts that are related to selling. Like if you  are a travel agent, then don’t just post about your deals and services. Posts like travel information, beautiful places etc. will also help your business.

Therefore, stop adapting these trends, in order to make your social media marketing effective.