Blunders Made by Blogging Novices

Starting a new blog is exciting, but also a little intimidating. You know the material. You are the expert. But sometimes there are roadblocks to success. Here are five common mistakes new bloggers face, along with some advice on how to avoid them. Blunder #1: Creating content without a strategy Online content based on a thoughtful strategy can help you reap expertise-based referrals. It is wise to start with a clear strategy before you begin blogging. Your content creation efforts should always be tied into your larger marketing goals. By ensuring your blog plans support your other marketing efforts, you can get the most out of your content. Blunder #2: Blogging for yourself – not your audience One of the biggest concerns new bloggers have when they first start out is producing enough content, which is why we often see bloggers writing about what’s of interest to them, as opposed to their audience. While this can be a good place to start, it’s unlikely to lead to long-term success. It’s better to look to what your clients want to know, as opposed to what you want to tell them.   Blunder #3: Ignoring search engine optimization (SEO) It doesn’t matter how good your blog content is if no one sees it. That is where SEO comes in. As you plan out your content, make keywords a significant part of your process. With each blog post, incorporate a relevant keyword in the title. The same keyword should also appear naturally two to three times throughout your post. Blunder #4: Not promoting your blog Writing a witty, relevant blog post does little good without the right promotion plan. To increase the visibility of your organization and build your brand strength, you must dedicate time for internet marketing. Share each blog post on your company’s social media channels and encourage other employees to share your blog in relevant LinkedIn Groups. In addition to promoting posts as they’re published, promote previously published posts by linking to them in new blog posts when the topic is relevant. Also read: Instagram and Digital Marketing