In a world where it is hard to Guard Your Privacy & Trust and online scams and unsolicited messages have become all too common, we want to address a recent customer experience that has brought an important issue to our attention. We believe in transparency, trust, and respecting our customers'...
Strategies for Handling a Compromised Server: Expert Tips & Best Practices
Strategies for Handling a Compromised Server: When a server is compromised, it is natural to have a multitude of questions regarding the appropriate course of action. These common queries revolve around the initial steps to be taken upon arrival at the site, such as disconnecting the server and preserving evidence....
Protect Your Website Today: A Comprehensive Guide to Website Malware
Protect Your Website Today: A Comprehensive Guide to Website Malware Website malware has been a problem since the early days of the internet, with hackers targeting websites with viruses, phishing attacks, and other types of malwares. As the internet has evolved, so has the sophistication of website malware, posing an...
Defend against Malware Virus that keeps creating index.php and .htaccess
Defend against Malware Virus that keeps creating index.php and .htaccess We all know why bad actors infect sites: monetary gain, boosts in SEO ratings for his or her malware or spam campaigns and a number of other reasons explained in our post on hacker’s motivations. It defeats the aim of the...
What is Exif data and how it can steal your data!
What is Exif data and how it can steal your data! This article is about a format for storing meta-data in image and audio files. For information about filename and directory structures of digital cameras, see Design Rule for Camera filing system. Exchangeable image file format stands for Exif, it's a...