Instagram and Digital Marketing

Instagram has grown to be one of the most popular social media platforms. More than 400 million people use Instagram, till now. It has also become an advertising platform for digital marketers. Internet marketing on Instagram should be done with the help of useful tips. Here are some of the suggestions that will aid you in successful advertising. Natural and Unique Images Instagram is, after all, a photo sharing network. If there’s one thing that all popular and successful Instagram accounts have in common, it’s fantastic photos. In order for your Instagram ads to bring increased sales, using high-quality images is a must. Less Text in Photos The more your ad looks like a native post, the more likely you’re going to see an above-average return on your investment. Think of Instagram as the social network for art. If you take a look at the 10 most popular Instagram accounts (non-celebrity) of 2015, you’ll see that hardly any photos contain text (few feature a logo).   No Direct Sales Pitch You want your photos to look amazing, like they’re part of the feed – and at the same time your post shouldn’t feel like a direct sales pitch. While it can be tempting to feature your logo heavily, don’t let the brand overshadow your photo. Add Hashtags Adding hashtags is always recommended while advertising on Instagram. According to a study, posts with 11 hashtags generated the most interactions. Aside from using a number of hashtags, you also need to use the right ones. Quantity is not everything. ‘Quality’ also needs to be taken into account. Read more: Checklist for Social Media Marketing on Twitter