Static vs Dynamic Website: Before we discuss the main topic I would like to provide a little bit of information on what is a website to help our non-computer savvy readers.
what is a website?
A website is a collection of pages and each page may have text, images, videos, or any combination of these three mostly in it. The very first page of the website is called Home or Index page.
Each website has a URL or internet address that you need to enter in the web browser (chrome, safari, opera, Firefox, etc.) to visit that website.
An example of a website URL can be Mobit Solutions mostly a web URL is the business name but, it’s not mandatory.
There are two types of websites:
- Static Website
- Dynamic Website
What is a static website
Static website is a very basic and simple version of a website. If you just know HTML you can make static pages in couple of minutes.
A fixed HTML is written for each web page and the information inside the pages remains the same, until you change and upload that page to the server explicitly.

What is a dynamic website
A dynamic website is an advanced form of Static website, it consists of dynamic pages whose content changes dynamically, in simple words content comes from a server or a database.
You can make a small CMS or content management system, that stores each page data into a database without the need of uploading pages to the server again and again as the static site does.
Your local browser downloads the website data from the server and as per code instructions it renders or displays the result in it.

Dynamic sites are made on the basis of two types of scripting:
- Client-side scripting
- Server-side scripting
Client-side scripting creates content at the customer PC based on client input whereas, In server-side scripting, the software runs on the server, and server processing is finished the requested data or response is sent to the client browser.
As web development company, we also provide WordPress web designer and developer services, please check them out as well.
Static vs dynamic website – Advantages
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Static vs dynamic website – Disadvantages
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