The Ideal Way to Plan the Home Page of Your Website

Website design

You are planning to have a website for your business. After consulting with the stakeholders, a good idea has been developed. Now you are searching the best themes that can be the ideal fit for your plan. You have found the perfect theme for your website, which has plenty of exciting features. Do you now think that it is the perfect start to build a website? If yes then YOU ARE WRONG!

Having a perfect theme doesn’t mean that it is an ideal start. You are going way ahead. Step back, because you have missed a lot of important things here.

First impression is the last impression. This quote fits perfected to the websites. The home page is the first impression of your business. Home page should be the starting point instead of the theme. It allows the visitors to connect with your business. You just can’t jump ahead to the website designing without first planning about the home page. This planning includes various questions that you need to answer. For example:

  • What is your target audience?
  • What are the problems and the solutions?
  • What is the method of resolving those problems?
  • Are you offering service or a product?
  • Why the people should avail your services instead of going to your competitors?
  • How will you convert the visitors into customers?



You must answer all these questions before moving towards the design. These questions will help you to define your target audience and to solve their problems by offering your services or products. Once you have answered all these questions, it is the time to move towards the segmentation of the visitors. Like the visitors of a university’s website are the students and their parents, faculty members and other staff. Make groups of the visitors that can visit your website and then plan about how you are going to offer them your services.

The navigation in the home page matters a lot too. You need to plan it, probably on a paper, before focusing on the design. Make it as simple as you can. After that, create a wireframe. It is the visual representation of the content of your website on a board. In this task, you work on the sizes and shapes of the boxes in which the content will be places.

Once you have done all of the above mentioned tasks, now it is the time to go on the internet and search the theme. Choose the theme which fits to the planning that we just discussed. Populate it with the content and have some celebration, because you have got a perfect home page.

By the way, Mobitsolutions wish you a happy new year. May this year brings record sales to your business!