Types of Web Developers in an Organization

What’s common between a clinically insane patient and a developer? They both think they are the only sane people in the room. Keeping in mind this point, CIOs must know the ways of managing different kinds of web app developer personalities to keep things working, as contrasting personality traits of developers can affect the quality of work. It can get delayed or you can see the final products before time too. We have short-listed five personalities of web app developers you can meet within your enterprise. If you ever happen to know something is not right and projects are being negatively influenced, have a talk with your developers and try to sort things out together.

Types of Web Developers:

The Mr. Know-It-All

  • This type of developer knows everything about programming and developing.
  • This man can be looked up to for he is the creative among all and comes up with a work of art which can be appreciated by the employers and the client as well.
  • This developer can take months to complete an hour’s long task. The reason isn’t that he is not competent, but he sets high standards for himself and to meet them well, he takes time.

The Experienced One

  • He is the one who is an experienced developer and knows the basics quite well.
  • He might not be tech savvy but he must know the important things at the back of his hand.
  • His time and experience in the industry make him someone who would always present a unique idea.
  • If your experienced developer seems outdated to you, don’t think he cannot develop excellent software, games and things like that.
  • You need to know that old school coding does exist and can be used for creating best products.

The Development Freak

  • Not caring about their lunch breaks and completing the projects before time make these web app developers stand out for themselves.
  • They make sure that once they are done with the work; it is analyzed properly and appreciated.
  • Other than working at their desk, these type of developers read books, journals, blogs etc. on how to design and build apps even better than they did last time.
  • They use their free time to stay updated with the latest tech trends and tools for web development.

The Speeder

  • The Speeder happens to work on more than one project at a time and he is pretty good at managing things in that way.
  • He is eager to complete his tasks and then he has to face the consequences of being too speedy.
  • He might be great in developing but his speed makes him suffer.
  • He can mess the codes and his work doesn’t even look that nice.
  • Caution: This web developer’s codes are unreadable. If someone needs to fix a problem later on, difficulties will definitely occur because of messy coding.

The Independent One

  • This web app developer learns new things on his own and works without the help of others.
  • He can even put down the suggestions that are given to him because he likes his own work very much.
  • Having said that, one thing which should be kept in mind is that, you may not find the work of these developers very good but they won’t really disappoint you.
  • Chances are that your clients won’t appreciate the work but it is for sure that they won’t dislike the final products as well.
By having people with different personalities can be a challenge for CIOs but such diversity also calls for unique experiences. The main focus of the employers is to keep things in harmony so that all the employees are productive and the web development projects are going fine.